LOVE AT FIRST KISS (AKA ERES TU) Released on Netflix
Dancing on Glass (Las Niñas de Cristal) Spanish Academy “GOYA” award Nominee, Best Original Music
ATRESMUSICA Releases the OST For “La Cocinera de Castamar” (The Cook of Castamar)
LAKESHORE Records releases the OST for Amazon’s Original Series “The Vineyard”(“LA TEMPLANZA”)
MOVIESCOREMEDIA releases Palabras para un Fin del Mundo OST
Stay in Touch!
Hoy hemos grabado una parte de lo que será la banda sonora del próximo proyecto.
¡Qué lujo de equipo!
#thespanishcomposer #bso #st #filmcomposers #comingsoon
New instrument in the studio!
Custom Built for an upcoming project 😍
#luthier #templanza #newsounds #custom #thespanishcomposer #string #soundesign #sounddesign #sampling #soundesigner
Many great things happened during the concert with @rageofficialband as the conductor for the @linguamortisorchestra for the @konzertfabrik_z7 Nights Festival
Thank you for an amazing night and audience!! 🤟
#thespanishconductor #ivan #z7pratteln #rage #xiii
What an amazing experience performing with @rageofficialband as conductor of the Lingua Mortis Orchestra 🤟 !! Amazing concert and amazing audience! Thks!!!! #ivan #thespanishconductor #gigs #symphonicrock #rage #z7
My office for tonight 😬
Conducting the Lingua Mortis Orchestra for @rageofficialband 🤟
#thespanishconductor #ontour #hittheroad #Z7
Ha sido un honor poder dirigir mi música en el festival MOSMA y compartirlo con tanta buena gente. Muchísimas gracias por la invitación, el cariño y tan buenos momentos 😍
#enlasestrellas #mosma @mosmamalaga #thespanishcomposer #thespanishconductor #unmundoaparte #concert #filmmusic #bandasonora #premiosgoya2019 #conducting
Next 4th of July I’ll be conducting my music alongside this panel of talented peers in the Malaga International Film Music Festival (MOSMA) 🤟
#thespanishcomposer #thespanishconductor #goya #enlasestrellas @zoeberriatua #unmundoaparte @mundolanda
Impresionante el Turandot que está dirigiendo Daniele Callegari en la Fenice de Venecia. Muy agradecido por haber podido asistir a estos ensayos 😍
Gracias a @ppcastro y a DNG Magazine por esta estupenda foto y portada y a @transversalcomunicacion por ponernos en contacto!
#thespanishcomposer #photoshoot #composerlife #compositor #directordeorquesta